الخميس، 5 فبراير 2015

Latest Global Black Market Intelligence And Security Threats

Latest Global Black Market Intelligence And Security Threats.
Havoscope: Information About The Global Black Market.

In today’s interconnected world, black markets have the power to wreak havoc on all industries and across all regions. Whether denying needed tax revenues to governments, destabilizing societies or damaging the environment, the global black market impacts nearly everyone on a daily basis.

Despite billions of dollars spent combating the activities of the black market, little attention has been given to producing clear and useful data about those activities. When information and market statistics have been produced, they generally have been used as marketing tools designed to promote a certain agenda rather than to objectively describe the actual situation.

Havocscope addresses this need for accurate, unbiased data by providing a centralized location for all information about the black market. By collecting and analyzing hundreds of pieces of data every day, we provide only the highest quality of information to our global users.

“We have checked the sources provided by Havocscope and have found
that Havocscope accurately records the reported amounts.”

-“Economic Analysis of the Proposed CACP Anti-Counterfeiting and Piracy Initiative”
LECG in a report prepared for the Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy (CACP)

As the premier global provider of information on black market activities, the World Economic Forum used our data in its 2011 Global Risks Report to highlight the issue of illicit trade. In 2012, the Council on Foreign Relations utilized our research when researching the issue of transnational crime for their Global Governance Monitor Project.

All Havocscope data on the black market is available for free to the public for personal use. Ranking totals and other information collected by Havocscope may be cited, so long as Havocscope is properly sourced and credited with a link back to our website when applicable.

About The Author:
This article is written by Mayur Agnihotri. I'm Not a Master, I'm Still a Learner. NO-BODY is Safe in  Cyber World. Use Knowledge to Save Yourself & Your Country.Respect your Country's Cyber Law. " For Digital India We Should Think About Digital Terrorism First.....!! " - Hakon