Anti-Porn parental controls
Anti-Porn 23 parental controls filters and blocks adult websites and other objectionable and inappropriate content. Its preconfigured lists can be edited and supplemented with keywords and URLs. Anti-Porn parental controls can also set time limits, and it can even tell games from regular programs and blacklist them automatically. Your password can bypass blocking, access the settings, and view logs and screenshots.
Anti-Porn blocks thousands of inappropriate sites
blocks inappropriate site before it appears in front of children's eyes.
Monitor the online activity of your children and Captures Windows screenshots
Anti-Porn can determine which program is a game or chatting tool and limit it to run.
Set limits on the time children spend on internet, computer games, and instant messages.
You could not find Anti-Porn whether in the explorer or in the task manager.
Lock the PC's screen for a while every several minutes in order to protect child's eyesight.
Supports English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, German, Franch, Spanish, Chinese, etc.
How To Activate
1: Install the Program
2: After Install Don't Launch Or Exit from System Tray
3: Now Run The Patch As Admin And Click On Patch Button
4: That's It Now You Can Lunch It